Events Archive: Past Conferences, Meetings and Activities
Second International Conference on Biological Control: Biocontrol Contributions to One Health (2icbc2025)
25–28 February 2025, Bengaluru, India.
This conference will be a pivotal gathering of scientists, researchers, practitioners and policymakers from around the globe, united by a shared commitment to advancing the field of biological control and its critical role in promoting One Health. This holistic approach recognises the interconnectedness of human, animal and environmental health, and underscores the importance of sustainable, integrated solutions to some of our most pressing global challenges.
Building on the success of our First International Conference on Biological Control: Approaches and Applications (1icbc2018), which was a landmark event that attracted delegates from over 20 countries and offered a platform for extensive exchange of knowledge and networking, the second edition is aiming to provide an even broader stage for the exchange of leading-edge research, innovative technologies and best practices in biocontrol and allied sectors. The central theme of this edition highlights the multifaceted benefits of biocontrol strategies in enhancing ecosystem health, agricultural productivity and public wellbeing.
The programme includes an exciting lineup of keynote addresses, plenary sessions and thematic sessions led by renowned experts in the field. Attendees will have the opportunity to engage in in-depth discussions, explore collaborative research opportunities and participate in field visits to witness biocontrol applications in real-world settings.
10th International Workshop on Biological Control and Management of Eupatorieae and other Invasive Alien Plants
11-14 February 2025, Kerala Forest Research Institute (KFRI), Kerala, India.
Earlier workshops in this series discussed the biological control of invasive alien plants such as Chromolaena odorata and Mikania micrantha. This workshop will evaluate the success, status and future prospects of the biological control of these species and the scope and options for biological control of the other major invasive plants widespread in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond.
Download: First Announcement and Registration Form (pdf)
27th International Congress of Entomology (ICE2024)
25-30 August 2024, Kyoto, Japan.
Since the first conference was held in Brussels, Belgium in 1910, it has been held almost every four years, except during the turmoil of World War II. The first congress to be held in Asia, was the 16th ICE in Kyoto, Japan in 1980. It has been decided that the 27th Congress in 2024 will be held at the Kyoto International Conference Center, sponsored by the Japan Insect Science Association.
3rd International Workshop of the IOBC-APRS WG "Predatory Mites as Biological Control Agents" at ICE2024
25-30 August 2024, Kyoto, Japan.
We are pleased to announce to re-launch the International Workshop of IOBC-APRS Working Group "Predatory Mites as Biological Control Agents" in the 27th International Congress of Entomology, which will be held in Kyoto, Japan on 25-30 August 2024 (
This workshop was at first organized under the International Organization for Biological and Integrated Control - Asia and Pacific Regional Section (IOBC-APRS) in 2016, and 2nd workshop was held in 2019. This workshop provides opportunities to bring together international students, researchers and pest management practitioners dealing with all aspects of predatory mites and other biological control related fields. The purpose is to promote international communications and collaborations in research and application using predatory mites as well as other fields in biological control, and to promote greater development in natural enemy research and industry worldwide.
We decided to take the opportunity of ICE2024 Kyoto to regain the worldwide communication that was disrupted by the disaster of COVID-19. We are planning to propose three symposia in the name of this workshop. We have already selected some potential speakers, but we still have room for about eight more, so if you plan to attend ICE, please put your name forward as a speaker.
Please name yourself as a speaker if you have a plan to attend the ICE2024 Kyoto. Please provide your name, affiliation, e-mail and tentative talk title to E-mail: by June 6.
We are sorry for the short deadline.
We are looking forward to seeing you in Kyoto.
Organizer: Xuenong Xu (Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China), Jiale Lv (Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China), and Norihide Hinomoto (Kyoto university, Japan)
More information: Announcement, 02.06.2023 (PDF)
2nd TAAO Symposium 2024
06-10 May 2024, Beijing, China.
The theme of the 2nd Symposium of Tephritid Workers of Asia, Australia and Oceania (TAAO 2024) is "Management of Tephritid Fruit Flies in Current Globalization Era".
The TAAO was established as an independent professional and scientific organization with the purpose of bringing together Tephritid workers from Asia, Australia, and Oceania in managing pest fruit flies. The first symposium of TAAO was successfully held in 2016 in Malaysia.
To develop better fruit fly management tactics in current Globalization Era, the tephritid workers all over the world should come together to enhance existing communication and collaboration. This also marks a new phase in TAAO towards efforts in increasing regional involvement and participation in the study and management of fruit flies throughout this region.
TAAO 2024 will consist of 8 exciting sessions including Survey and Monitoring, Risk Assessment, Management and Communication, Species Complex and Species Diagnosis, Population Tracing and Invasive Pathway, Phytosanitary Treatment and Eradication, Area-wide management and SIT, and Global Change and Invasion Mechanism. A workshop on quantitative risk assessment and molecular identification of Tephritids will also be held before the symposium. After the symposium has concluded, a local trip visiting Beijing's surroundings will be provided to the participants.
24th Australasian Plant Pathology Society Conference
20-24 November 2023, National Wine Centre, Adelaide, SA, Australia.
The theme for the conference, "Change and Adaptation", has been chosen to highlight the ever-changing nature of pathogens and the array of emerging technologies being developed to monitor and control disease.
4th International Congress on Biological Invasions (ICBI2023)
1-4 May 2023, Christchurch (Ōtautahi), New Zealand (Aotearoa).
The International Symposium on Biological Control of Weeds (ISBCW) was first organised in 1969, and has been the most important international meeting for weed biocontrol scientists since.
During these meetings scientists from all over the world get together to exchange advances in the discipline, renew ties of friendship and collaboration, and discuss the way forward.
The ISBCW takes place every four years, and this is the first time it will take place in South America.
22nd Australasian Weeds Conference (22AWC)
25-29 September 2022, Adelaide, Australia.
The Weed Management Society of South Australia (WMSSA), on behalf of The Council of Australasian Weed Societies (CAWS), will be hosting the 22nd Australasian Weeds Conference (#22AWC) at Adelaide Oval in 2022.
26th International Congress of Entomology (ICE2022Helsinki)
18-23 July 2022, Helsinki, Finland.
The International Congress of Entomology returns to Europe, for the first time in 25 years!
The ICE2022 Helsinki congress intends to attract world-leaders as symposium organizers who will be able to identify cutting-edge topics and to assemble the best-available established researchers, and excellent younger researchers, to present their work.
The ICE2022 Helsinki congress will be arranged in sections representing major fields of entomological interest. Session topics have been selected and are published on the website.
Australian Entomological Society Conference, 52nd AES AGM (online)
6–9 December 2021, University of Adelaide, South Australia.
The 2021 AGM and Scientific Conference will be a joint meeting with the Australian chapter of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects (IUSSI) and the Society of Australian Systematic Biologists (SASB).
20th Organic World Congress (OWC)
6-10 September 2021 (postponed, original dates 21-27 Sept. 2020), Rennes, France.
Every three years, the organic sector assembles to host the Organic World Congress (OWC), the world's largest organic gathering. Drawing from the motto, 'From its Roots, Organic Inspires Life', OWC 2020 will aim to provide organic and likeminded stakeholders working toward sustainable agriculture, value chains, and consumption with an opportunity to exchange their knowledge, innovations, and experiences. The congress offers momentum and inspiration to all who take part and is seen as a leading event for the global organic sector.
New Zealand Plant Protection Society Conference
10-12 August 2021 (postponed from 2020), Napier conference Centre, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand.
The NZPPS conference is New Zealand's prime venue for the exchange of scientific information on all aspects of plant protection. Oral presentations include invited speakers and summaries of papers published in our peer-reviewed journal, New Zealand Plant Protection. The conference also features a lively poster session.
Symposium on Insect-Plant Interactions (SIP 2021)
25-30 July 2021 (postponed, original dates 26-30 July 2020), Leiden, The Netherlands (online).
The 17th Symposium on Insect-Plant relationships will follow the lead of previous SIPs and address the latest developments in research on the relationships between plants, insects and associated microorganisms, from physiological mechanisms to ecological and evolutionary processes.
Second International Congress of Biological Control (ICBC2)
26-30 April 2021, Davos, Switzerland (virtual).
At the end of January 2021, the IOBC and CABI, as the organizers of this congress, decided that ICBC2 will go 100% virtual!
This congress builds upon the first International Congress on Biological Control (held in Beijing in 2018), and the First International Conference of Biological Control (held in Bengaluru, India in 2018). Following the lead of these two meetings, the combined ICBC2 will provide a platform for multi- and interdisciplinary biological control research and application. This congress is unique in serving as a meeting point for scientists and practitioners that are working on a wide breadth of biological control targets including insect pests, plant and animal diseases, weeds and invasive vertebrates.
Biological control science has experienced transformational advances in various critical areas over the past decades including risk assessment, commercial mass-rearing, and the elucidation of complex interactions. The discipline is therefore more poised than ever to contribute substantially to solving the world's grand environmental and health challenges. A key to harnessing these advances for maximum benefit is to create strong linkages among different sub-disciplines, targets and approaches of biological control.
Contacts, Organizing Committee:
- Ulli Kuhlmann CABI Delemont, Switzerland,
- George E. Heimpel IOBC Global, University of Minnesota, USA,
- Barbara Barratt IOBC Global, AgReasearch, New Zealand,
- Gopalsamy Sivakumar, ICAR – NBAIR, India,
Australian Entomological Society 50th AGM and Scientific Conference – 2019 Conference
01-04 December 2019, Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre at Southbank Brisbane, Australia.
The conference will be jointly hosted by AES and the Society of Australian Systematic Biologists (SASB) as well as the Australasian Arachnological Society (AAS).
More information: Conference Announcement
Australasian Plant Pathology Society Conference
Strong Foundations, Future Innovations
25-28 November 2019, Melbourne, Australia
This conference will be the climax of the APPS 50th birthday celebrations, where we celebrate our "Strong foundations and highlight the latest advances in plant pathology that will lead to "Future Innovations".
Excellent scientific presentations by local and international speakers will be the backbone of our meeting, supported by engaging field tours and workshops allowing conference participants to experience plant pathology up close and to visit key agricultural sites in the areas surrounding Melbourne.
XIX International Plant Protection Congress (IPPC2019),
"Crop Protection to Outsmart Climate Change for Food Security & Environmental Conservation"
10-14 November 2019, Hyderabad, India.
The program of IPPC2019 is aimed at addressing the key issues in crop protection against the backdrop of climate change and mounting pressure on natural resources to meet the growing need for nutritious and safe food, conservation of biodiversity and creating opportunities for economic growth.
The IPPC2019 will provide a great opportunity to present, discuss and disseminate the recent advances in crop protection, and establish contact and collaboration between crop protection scientists from different parts of the world. The deliberations of IPPC2019 will include plenary speeches and concurrent sessions in different disciplines of crop protection to create an awareness of the exciting advances that have been realized in addressing the challenges of nutritional, environmental and societal sustainability through innovative science, partnerships and an enabling policy environment.
2nd International IOBC-APRS Workshop, Working Group "Predatory Mites as Biological Control Agents":
"Phytoseiid mites: As or beyond natural enemies"
16-19 October 2019, College of Plant Protection, Southwest University (CPP-SWU), Chongquing, China.
This workshop follows the successful first workshop held in 2016.
This workshop provides opportunities to bring together international students, researchers and pest management practitioners dealing with all aspects of predatory mites and other biological control related fields.
The theme of the 2nd workshop is "Phytoseiid mites: as or beyond natural enemies". This topic implies our interest and endeavor in utilizing predatory mite as biological control agents against more target pests, as well as excellent experimental materials of more fundamental and theoretical research. We will especially focus on how we should utilize rich predatory mite resources and develop the predatory mite research in the Asia-Pacific region.
Scientific committee:
- Xuenong Xu (IPP-CAAS)
- Yulin Gao (IPP-CAAS)
- Huai Liu (CPP-SWU)
- Geoff Gurr (IOBC-APRS)
- Zhiqiang Zhang (Landcare Research & University of Auckland, New Zealand)
- Norihide Hinomoto (Central Region Agricultural Research Center, NARO, Japan)
- Shingo Toyoshima (Kanaya Tea Research Station, Institute of Fruit Tree and Tea Science, NARO, Japan)
Titles for abstracts or posters email to Prof Huai Liu,, before July 30th, 2019.
Topics for contributed oral papers and posters include but are not limited to the following list:
- Taxonomy, Phylogenetics and Evolution
- Resource Survey, Optimization and Evaluation
- Product Development and Application
- Physiological Regulation and Gene Function
Accommodation will be at this star Haiyu Hot Spring Hotel, with a shuttle provided between the hotel and CPPSWU during the workshop.
More Information: 1st Circular (pdf)
Biocontrol Asia 2019
25-27 September 2019, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China.
New Ag International, 2BMonthly and IBMA join forces once again to host the Largest International Event covering BIOCONTROL in ASIA .
The last edition took place in Bangkok in June 2017. Over 200 delegates from the whole Asia-Pacific region gathered to discuss the advancements of the biopesticides industry in the region.
Topics to be covered by international speakers:
- Global Biocontrol Market
- Regional Biocontrol Market in Asia
- Industry trends in Asia
- Biocontrol Regulatory in China and other Asian countries
- How IPM is helping adoption of Biocontrol
- Biocontrol as a business – adoption by growers and distributors
- Biologicals Production and Formulation
- Emerging technologies in microbials, natural extracts and semiochemicals
- Synergistic uses of biocontrol and biostimulants
IOBC-Global Working Group meeting:
14th International Symposium Ecology of Aphidophaga
16-20 September 2019, Montreal (Quebec), Canada.
It will be 20 years since the last Aphidophaga was held in the province of Quebec in Canada and we are grateful to the Scientific Committee of Aphidophaga and the International Organization of Biological Control (IOBC) for choosing Montreal as the venue for the 14th Symposium. We are also grateful to the IOBC for supporting the meeting.
We look forward to welcoming you to Montreal in 2019 for Aphidophaga 14.
Topics include:
- Life cycle, voltinism and diapause
- Food relations (including non-aphid food of aphidophaga)
- Behaviour
- Systematics and morphology
- Phylogeny
- Population dynamics
- Modelling
- Distribution and seasonal adaptation
- Parasitoids and pathogens of aphidophaga
- Parasitoids and pathogens of aphids
- Tritrophic interactions
- Intraguild interactions
- Invasive aphidophaga
- Chemical ecology
- Integrated pest management
- Climatic changes
More Information:
6th International Entomophagous Insects Conference
09-13 September 2019, Perugia, Italy.
The International Entomophagous Insects Conference – IEIC (originated from the merging of the International Entomophagous Insects Workshop and the European Parasitoid Workshop), has reached its 6th edition.
The venue of the Conference is the ancient Monumental Complex of the San Pietro Abbey, which is the location of the DSA3 (Department of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences) of the University of Perugia. The Abbey is also a stunning concentration of art and history.
The Conference is structured into 6 sessions, with keynote speakers, oral and poster presentations, coffee breaks and lunches. A social tour and gala dinner are also planned.
27th Asian Pacific Weed Science Society Conference (APWSS)
3-6 September 2019, Riverside Majestic Hotel, Kuching, Sarawak.
The 27th APWSS with the theme "Weed Science for Sustainable Agriculture and Environment" will focus on developments in the science of weed management and discuss challenges faced by researches, practitioners and consumers on problems related to weed management.
The conference will cover the following subjects:
- Weed biology, physiology and ecology
- Weed management in cropped areas
- Weed management in non-cropped areas and aquatic system
- Herbicide resistant weeds and herbicide tolerant crops
- Allelopathy and allelochemical in weed management
- Biological weed control
- Climate change impact on crop-weed interaction and management Invasive weed management
- Weed risk assessment, management and quarantine method
- Herbicide behavior in soil and water Education and extension in weed science
- Herbicide formulation and application technology
- Novel herbicides and herbicide mode of action
- Utilization of weeds for value-added products
- Precision and advances in weed control technology
20th NSW Weeds Conference
26-29 August 2019, Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia.
The 20th NSW Weeds Conference is a premier event for NSW weeds officers, researchers, market and industry analysts, government officials and policymakers working towards better weed management across the country. The conference will unite more than 250 weeds management experts in the beautiful beach-side city of Newcastle, Australia.
Weeds are a serious threat to Australia's native flora and fauna and add pressure to our economy. Recent technologies, policies and innovations are helping us manage weeds more effectively - but more work is needed.
This conference provides an opportunity for the NSW weeds management community to showcase new research and ideas for controlling and eradicating weeds. It's a chance to network and build strategic partnerships and invest in a shared vision for our industry's future.
Conference session themes include:
- Measuring success in weed management
- Weeds in the urban landscape
- Weeds management in rural settings
- Putting the we in weeds: working together
New Zealand Plant Protection Society (NZPPS) Conference 2019
13-15 August 2019, Auckland, New Zealand
The NZPPS conference is New Zealand's prime venue for the exchange of scientific information on all aspects of plant protection. Oral presentations include invited speakers and summaries of papers published in our peer-reviewed journal, New Zealand Plant Protection (to publish a paper one author must be a member). The conference also features a lively poster session, with abstracts from posters also being published in the journal.
9th International Workshop on Biological Control and Management of Eupatorieae and other Invasive Weeds
19-22 March, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
This workshop is organised under the auspices of the International Organisation of Biological and Integrated Control (IOBC) and CABI Southeast Asia. The first workshop was held in 1988 to facilitate the management and biological control of Chromolaena odorata in resource-poor tropical and sub-tropical countries.
In 2003, the scope of the workshop was expanded to include closely related species such as Mikania micrantha, while retaining an emphasis on the tropics. Malaysia has been selected as the host country for this 9th workshop, the first to be held in Southeast Asia.
The tribe Eupatorieae, which includes Chromolaena odorata and Mikania micrantha are widespread in Southeast Asia and have significant economic impacts to agriculture, the environment and livelihoods. The entire region has been shown to be highly climatically suitable for the weeds.
Other species of invasive alien plants for which there are good biological control agents available and which could be included in this workshop if the interest exists, include Salvinia molesta, Pistia stratiotes and Parthenium hysterophorus.
International Training Workshop in Conservation Biological Control of Insect Pests
12–15 November 2018, Lincoln University, New Zealand
This workshop is a follow-up to that held simultaneously in Beijing and Hanoi in September 2017, which covered all aspects of insect biological control. The pro-posed workshop will concentrate on Conservation Biological Control (CBC) only. It will target researchers, teachers and especially graduate students and early-career scientists researching or working in biological control in any geographic region.
Of the three main types of biological control of insect pests, CBC is the newest and the fastest growing. There has been a global exponential increase in citation rates for publications in the area of CBC since 1990 (Prof. G.M. Gurr, pers. comm.) and the rate of increase is continuing. This indicates the importance of this 'sustainable' approach to pest management.
A group of experts, mainly from the Asia-Pacific region, will lead the programme, including Prof. Steve Wratten (Lincoln University, NZ), Prof. Geoff Gurr (Charles Sturt University, Australia), Dr Kris Wyckhuys (Vietnam) and Prof. Jonathan Lundgren (USA).
Inexpensive single accommodation and food is available on the Lincoln University campus. Other accommodation and food options are available locally in Lincoln and in Christchurch, 17km away. Our aim is to make this important event a true work-shop that involves interactive, blended-learning methods and small-group work.
Previsional Programme: See IOBC-APRS Newsletter No.9, Aug. 2018, p. 7-8 (pdf)
For registration, payment or more information please email Janine Johnson ( or Michelle Boyle (
Training Workshop:
Asia-Pacific Forest Invasive Species Network
23-27 October 2018, Beijing, China
This training workshop, to be held in Beijing, China from October 23-27, 2018 in conjunction with the China National Forest Protection Congress, aims to provide hands-on training on properly identifying disease based on signs and symptoms, causal agents, and best management practices for disease control. It is targeted at recent graduates, entry-level and mid-level practitioners who are involved in forestry management, forest health monitoring, and management of forest diseases and their control.
The main objectives of this training workshop are to equip participants with the skills to:
- Understand the concept of the Disease Triangle, Koch's Postulates, and what constitutes disease.
- Recognise and identify the main causes of plant disease, basic biology, disease distribution and spread. Identify common fungi based on morphology and DNA bar-coding.
- Detect and diagnose disease using various methods of sampling, culturing, specimen preservation and collection.
- Determine suitable methods of disease management and control with emphasis on integrated pest management (IPM).
This training course is targeted at recent forestry graduates and practitioners who plan to/will be involved in aspects of forest health and management, monitoring, silviculture, tree breeding, pest and disease management and control. The target number of trainees is 30 participants, the number of participants from Asia-Pacific Forestry Commission member countries outside China depending on the available budget.
The working language for the symposium and training course is English.
More information: Announcement (docx) with Draft Agenda and Nomination Form
1st International Conference on Biological Control: Approaches and Applications (ICBC 2018)
27-29 September 2018, Bengaluru, India.
Conference Theme:
Biological Control: Approaches and Applications
Globally, up to 30% of agricultural yields are affected by pests and diseases despite intensive chemical pesticide use. Biological control of insect pests and diseases is one of the major ecosystem services provided to agriculture worldwide. Natural enemies such as predators, parasitoids and pathogens play a major role in limiting damage caused by nature and exotic pests. The main theme of the conference is to address issues related to various biological control approaches in the context of biodiversity, increased chemical pesticide pressure and climate change. The emphasis would also be on the challenges faced by researchers, farmers and other stakeholders in implementing biological control programs. The conference would include keynote addresses, plenary and oral presentations and poster sessions.
The conference would cover the following Sub Themes related to Biological Control
- Biodiversity and Biosecurity
- Conservation Strategies
- Biotechnological Approaches in Biocontrol
- Production and Utilization of Macrobials for Insect Pest Management
- Production and Utilization of Microbials for Insect Pest and Disease Management
- Biological Control Compatible Approaches
- Biological Control of Invasive Pests and Weeds
- Biological Control: Industrial Perspective and Policy Issues
- IOBC-Global Parthenium Working Group Workshop
- IOBC-Global Tuta absoluta Working Group Workshop
More information: First Announcement (pdf), Second Announcement (pdf)
XVth International Symposium on Biological Control of Weeds,
ISBCW 2018
26-31 August 2018, Engelberg, Switzerland
- Target and agent selection
- Novel methods to determine efficacy and environmental safety of agents
- Making classical biological control more predictive: moving from ecological to evolutionary processes
- Regulations for agent release and access to genetic resources
- Post-release monitoring and evaluation
- Social and economic assessments of biological control
- Integrated Weed Management and restoration
- Opportunities and constraints for classical weed biocontrol in developing countries
- Opportunities and constraints for classical weed biocontrol in developed countries
- Bioherbicides
Deadline for early registration and submission of abstracts: 30 March 2018.
Online registration:
Contact:, Website:
First International Congress of Biological Control (ICBC-1)
14-16 May 2018, Beijing, China.
The First International Congress of Biological Control (ICBC-1) will be held at Beijing Friendship Hotel and Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, May 14-16, 2018.
This congress, hosted jointly by the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS), the Chinese Society of Plant Protection (CSPP) and the International Organization for Biological Control (IOBC) will cover a wide range of biological control topics regarding insect pests, invasive weeds and plant diseases. The purpose of the conference is to strengthen communication and cooperation between researchers investigating biological control techniques of insect pests, invasive weeds and plant diseases, and to promote the global development of biological control technology and industry. The theme of this congress is: 'Biological Control for a Healthy Planet' with a sub-theme of 'Interdisciplinary Biological Control.'
Congress Topics:
- Integration of the various classes of biological control
- Biological control of plant diseases, insect pests and weeds
- Biological control as means of preserving biodiversity
- Risk assessment and biosafety for biological control
- Industrial policy and market development of biological control
- Socio-economic impacts and capacity building for biological control
- Current status and uptake of biological control in the Belt and Road conttries
More information: Poster (jpg)
Congress Website:
2017 AES Conference, Australian Entomological Society
48th AGM and Scientific Conference, "Biosecurity – A Partnership Approach"
17-20 September 2017, Crowne Plaza in Terrigal on the Central Coast of NSW (an hour north of Sydney), Australia.
This year the conference theme will be the science behind biosecurity and the protection of the economy, environment and community from negative impacts associated with insect pests. The exciting science that underpins successful biosecurity will be on show where topics will include, amongst other things, the principles of preparedness, prevention, management, and biology of our invading (or already "invaded") pests.
The 2017 conference logo is the glassy-winged sharpshooter, Homalodisca vitripennis (Germar) (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) which has marched its way across the Pacific from its natural range in the southeast USA and northeast Mexico. It has travelled via California, French Polynesia, Hawaii, and Easter Island and is a fascinating insect that is an important vector and has some fascinating success biological control stories in some of its invaded ranges along the way.
5th International Symposium on Biological Control of Arthropods
11-15 September 2017, Langkawi, Malaysia.
This conference continues the series of international symposia on the biological control of arthropods held every four years. Dr Roy Van Driesche was the founder of the series and held the first meeting in Hawaii in January 2002. The second meeting took place in Davos, Switzerland, in September 2005, the third in Christchurch, New Zealand, in February 2009. The latest one was held in Pucón, Chile, in March 2013. The upcoming 5th symposium will follow the proven format and framework of the previous four symposia, as they have all been very successful and highly appreciated by the participants.
Hands-On Training Course
2-9 September 2017, Beijing, China & Hanoi, Vietnam (concurrent)
The International Organisation for Biological Control - Asia and Pacific Regional Section (IOBC-APRS) and International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) bring to you
This one-week field course will be organized around a number of topics that are of immediate relevance to Asia's agriculture, such as invasive species, ecological intensification, biodiversity loss in agricultural settings, and landscape simplification. The short course will provide a primer to students and young professionals in how biodiversity aspects biological control of pests - within the particular context of Asia's intensified agriculture. The course will use an approach that will pair lecture-style introductions to key topics by world experts with hands-on activities in order to reinforce key concepts. Cross-cutting subject areas that will be covered in this course include: Biodiversity in tropical systems; diversity from landscape to farm-level scales; the importance of diversity & biological control on smallholder farms; and the importance of resource diversity to biological control.
The short course will not only celebrate Asia's historical contributions to the field of arthropod biological control, but equally highlight opportunities and threats for sustained biological control in present-day farming systems. The course will introduce novel concepts, tools and methodological approaches, and plant the seed for invigorated applied research on arthropod biological control in Asia's highly unique yet rapidly changing agro-landscapes.
Flyer, Call for Application (pdf)
47th AGM and Scientific Conference, Australian Entomological Society and Entomological Society of New Zealand,
Theme: "Understanding and managing insects for our mutual benefit"
27-30 November 2016, Melbourne, Australia
IOBC-APRS will be co-convening a symposium at this conference (see Symposium 6 below). Please visit the website for more information, and think about presenting a paper or poster. The venue for the conference is the Rydges on Swanston.
- Invertebrate conservation and invasive species.
Dr Gary Taylor, Dr Isabel Valenzuela and Dr Bernie Dominiak - Ecosystem services in a changing environment.
Professor Geoff Gurr - Social insects: challenges economic opportunities and behavioural insights
Dr Nathan Lo - The role of phytochemistry in insect nutrition.
Dr Martin Steinbauer, Dr Clare L. Casteel, Professor Rosy Mary dos Santos Isaias, Professor Juha-Pekka Salminen - Taxonomy, systematics and the importance of reference collections
Mr John Marris, Dr Mali Malipatil, Dr Mark Blacket and Dr Vratislav Ricardo Bejsak-Colloredo-Mansfeld - Biological control for Agriculture and the Environment.
Dr Bill Palmer and Dr Luke Barrett
ICE 2016, XXV International Congress of Entomology
25-30 September 2016, Orlando, Florida, USA
IOBC-Global will be sponsoring four biological control symposia at the International Congress of Entomology.
For more information on other biocontrol-related talks, see the full list of symposia here:
26 Sep |
IOBC Symposium: |
26 Sep |
IOBC Symposium: |
26 Sep |
IOBC Global General Assembly - all members welcome |
27 Sep |
IOBC Symposium: |
27 Sep |
IOBC Symposium: |
27 Sep |
Social mixer co-hosted by NRS and IOBC Global - all members welcome |
1st International Workshop of the IOBC-APRS Working Group "Predatory Mites as Biological Control Agents"
15-19 May 2016, Beijing, China
The theme of the 1st workshop was "Resources to Industry: bridging the gap", implying the interest and endeavor of the working group members in screening predatory mite resources and developing an industry with more commercial products against more target pests. The workshop especially focused on how to evaluate and utilize rich predatory mite resources in the Asia-Pacific region.
Group photo of the 1st International Workshop of IOBC-APRS in Beijing, China, 15-19 May 2016
More Information: Event page with Book of Abstracts, Programme und Photos
EMAPI 2015, 13th International Conference Ecology and Management of Alien Plant Invasions
20.-24.09.2015, Hawai'i Island, USA
The conference may be of special interest to weed biocontrol practitioners.
EMAPi 2015 provides the opportunity to share findings and experiences — research, management, and policy — with professionals from around the world. A mid-conference field trip will offer first-hand experience with Hawaii's plant invasions, while also allowing extensive opportunities for networking. For this international meeting, we are expecting to bring together ~ 300 active researchers, managers and policy makers.
One of the special sessions will focus on "Biocontrol of Invasive Plants" in which we will consider the science, practice and policy of weed biocontrol, particularly the benefits and risks of introducing specialist herbivores and pathogens for conservation objectives.
A special discounted registration will be available to students.
Biocontrol Asia 2015 Conference, 17-18 March 2015
13th New Ag International Conference & Exhibition, 18-20 March 2015
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Date, Event, Place |
17-18 March 2015: Biocontrol Asia 2015 Conference, 18-20 March 2015: 13th New Ag International Conference & Exhibition, New Dehli, India. |
Aims & Topics |
Biocontrol Asia Conference: During the one and a half day meeting selected presentations on key current Biocontrol topics will be delivered by world renowned speakers/organisations. The conference will also feature a display of poster presentations. Biocontrol companies in attendance at the Biocontrol Asia 2015 conference will be invited to exhibit at the 13th New Ag International Conference over the 3 days following. 13th Annual New Ag International Conference & Exhibition: In March 2015 the World's Leading Conference on High Tech Agriculture will return to India. Delegates from over 60 countries will descend on the vibrant city to meet with exhibitors from leading companies from every corner of the world, to consolidate or acquire knowledge on the latest trends in plant nutrition, irrigation, fertigation, foliar spraying, greenhouse technology and support systems. The meeting's prestigious line up of conference speakers includes, but is not limited to, top international executives from all corners of the globe. The programme of speakers will have a particularly strong participation from the Indian and Asia regions most globally active companies in international high-tech agricultural inputs. |
Contact | |
Information | Website: |
Australian Entomological Society Conference, 28 Sep – 1 October 2014
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Date, Event, Place |
28 Sep – 1 October 2014: Australian Entomological Society Conference, Canberra, Australia. |
Aims & Topics |
IOBC-APRS is organizing a symposium at this conference on "Biological control in the Asia-Pacific Region: highlights from the last 50 years and emerging issues for the future". |
Information | Report, photos and presentations from the IOBC-APRS Symposium. Conference website: |
Seminar "Research and Applications of Biological Control", 9 July 2014
National Agricultural Biological Security Science Center, IPP-CAAS, 9 July 2014
The seminar included visiting scientists from research organisations, and the biological control industry interested in the use of predators for biological control. Seminar programme (pdf)
IOBC-APRS Vice President, Yulin Gao gave a presentation on
"IOBC Global and APRS: Who we are?" (pdf)
Group photo, seminar 'Research and Applications of Biological Control', National Agricultural Biological Security Science Center, IPP-CAAS, 9 July 2014
The IOBC Australia and New Zealand Biocontrol Conference 2008
The inaugural IOBC-ANZBC was held at the Menzies Hotel in Sydney, Australia, 10 - 14 February 2008.
The conference spanned the disciplines of insect pest, weed, plant pathogen and vertebrate pest biological control and there were sessions dedicated to various biological approaches and techniques. Conference sessions and an integrative workshop explored underlying themes including ecology and economics. Combined with European and American keynote speakers and participants, the meeting had strong international relevance.
Sessions and keynote presentations discussed biocontrol success stories, eradication of emergency plant pests with the use of biocontrol agents, ecological control of insects, vertebrate pest control, biocontrol safety, the way forward for Australasia and many more topics.