About Us


IOBC-APRS is one of six
Regional Sections of the International
Organisation for Biological Control.

Members of IOBC-APRS are scientists and students working in biological control
from research institutes, universities and commercial organisations from Asia and
Australasia. We encourage collaboration in promoting feasible and environmentally
safe methods of insect pest, weed and pathogen control.

Membership in IOBC gives individuals and organisations the opportunity to participate in biological control activities beyond their specific jobs and workplaces, to step outside their bureaucracies, and to contribute to the promotion of biological control worldwide.

IOBC-APRS fosters research and practical application, organises meetings, symposia, offers information about biological methods of control and integrated pest management.

APRS Executive Committee


Toni WITHERS (New Zealand), contact

Vice President

Xue-xin CHEN (China), contact

Vice President

Mark McNEILL (New Zealand), contact

Secretary General

Kitherian SAHAYARAJ (India), contact


Cody-Ellen MURRAY (Australia), contact

Past President

Geoff GURR (Australia), contact

Past President

William (Bill) PALMER (Australia), contact

Honorary members

Dr. Barbara Barratt (2022)

Dr. Rachel McFadyen (2022)

Dr. Mu- ni Rangaswamy (2022)

Dr. Ren Wan (2022)

Prof.dr. Li-Ying Li, China (2008)

Prof.dr. Keizo Yasumatsu, Japan (2008)

Prof.dr. Yoshimi Hirose, Japan (2008)

Dr. Rachel McFadyen, Australia (2012)

Working Groups

To get more of an idea of what a Working Group is, what it entails and what benefits it has for you or your group, visit the IOBC Global site for more information.

IOBC-APRS Working Group "Predatory Mites as Biological Control Agents"

Predatory mites play an increasingly important role in modern biological control. The predatory mite WG will attract governmental, scientific and commercial organizations in the Asia and Pacific Region that focus on, or are interested in, predatory mite research. The WG will foster research and practical application, organize meetings, symposia, offer training and information, and encourage collaboration in promoting research and applications of predatory mites. Major activities also include developing standards for predatory mite products, assessing biological control efficiency, and evaluating predatory mite related integrated pest management.

Contacts: Professor Xuenong Xu, xnxu@ippcaas.cn and Dr Yulin Gao, ylgao@ippcaas.cn

APRS Working Group "Predatory Mites as Biological Control Agents", Dec. 2014 (pdf)

General Assembly

The General Assembly elects for a term of four years a President, two Vice-Presidents, a Treasurer and Secretary-General. The immediate past president is also a member of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee decides on any modification to the Statutes. The purpose of the General Assembly is to give members the opportunity to express opinions on the activities of the organisation and to make recommendations to the Council.

The Organisation as a Whole - IOBC Global

The current President is Prof. dr. George E. HEIMPEL (USA), Vice-Presidents are Dr Jianqing DING (China) and Prof. dr. Vanda H. P. BUENO (Brazil), Secretary-General is Dr Ronny GROENTEMAN (New Zealand), and treasurer is Prof. dr. Josep JAQUES MIRET (Spain).

In addition to the Global organisation, IOBC has six Regional Sections, each listed in the menus above. Each Regional Section has its own President, Vice-Presidents, and Secretary/Treasurer. Follow the link here to find the APRS Executive.

There are also eight Working Groups (WG) within IOBC Global and many more in the other Regional Sections. These are fora for special interest groups, developed under the IOBC umbrella, and they serve to promote communication between biological control workers interested in particular topics. Working Groups hold meetings, specialist conferences or symposia, and communicate through newsletters and email. Regional Sections may also have Working Groups.


IOBC Global Regional Sections: